Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Selective Thought

Everyone is always thinking something.  I have done a lot of thinking about thinking itself.

The most fascinating thing I have realized is the vast freedom we all have in thought.  At any point in time I have an infinite number of possible thoughts.  I can freely choose them from my base of knowledge and experience.  In addition, I have my imagination to organize all of that.

Our minds are the only place of  freedom and solitude. We are the only ones in charge of how we think and there is no person who can know.  Freedom is what we all desire...and there is no freer place than in our mind.

I think most of us take this awareness for granted, but I don't think most of us realize the dangers of this freedom.   For me, I realized that some of my thoughts were harmful to myself.   Some thoughts can lead to places of despair.  It takes much objectivity to not buy into them, but then I think, "What thoughts should I buy into then?"  This thought led to places of confusion.  I began to understand that much of what we call "insanity", is just a misuse of the freedom of our mind.

I am beginning to discover something quite paradoxical.  The more I experience my freedom, the more I want to harness it.  This is especially true for my mind.  I cannot handle the freedom.  If I let my mind go where it wants, I am like a child dizzy from spinning in circles.

It is much easier to put a rein on my behavior than my thoughts.  I can think much more faster than I move.  All I know is that it is very important for me to exercise the practice of "Selective Thought".  I am beginning to know the paths of thought that lead to places I should not go.  Even though these places do not exist in reality, my mind can be easily fooled.  These are just thoughts I shouldn't "entertain", like uninvited guests.

I love the Bible for this.  I have found an answer for my "freedom".  There is much in the Bible about freedom and obedience...of body, mind and soul.

I need help in keeping a "rein" on my thoughts.  The Jews used a "yoke" to join two animals together...much like a rein.  It is still my choice what I will think, but I no longer carry the burden of the chaos created by my own free thinking.  Giving away my freedom has made me free.

Jesus says:  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.  -Matthew 11:28-30. 

1 comment:

  1. great stuff as usual my friend and so good to see you 2nite :)
