Talking about the word "word" sounds like it might be boring. I mean just look at it... four little letters; w-o-r-d. That's it. And yet the most read book in history is also known as "The Word". So maybe these four letters deserve a bit of attention.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." -John 1:1
Hmm...that is kind of interesting. So, what exactly does this word "word" mean?
For me, "word" is just something I use to make sentences out of. So what's the big deal? I ASSumed that this definition is true for all cultures across all time. I was pretty amazed to find out that I WAS WRONG. All words mean different things to different people, and it is no different with this word.
To the Jews, "word" had a very distinct meaning. To most people in the middle east, a word is not just a word, but a POWER that does something. The Old Testament is full of the POWER of words. William Barclay writes, "To Jews, a word was far more than a mere sound; it was something which had an independent existence and which actually did things."
I like to ponder this. Word Wednesday is about words: ESPECIALLY the POWER that words can have on our emotions. And I do believe that our emotions can lead us to action (or inaction). I don't think I personally have power, but I know my words can. I know, because I have had my emotions change when I listen to another...and sometimes moved by those emotions to action. (Don't ASSume that action was for the better...a lot of it was from manipulation or marketing.)
If you are finding this blog "dry" to read, it is because I haven't chosen the words that "stir" your emotion in some way. (Or you have better things to do...which you do. Let me "entice" you some more with magical words!) Get the picture?
I hate the idea that my words can hurt. I love the idea that my words can encourage. I have to believe that the things we do and the words we choose make a difference. I am the vehicle for this POWER. So are you. So is everyone.
Truly, I wish it wasn't this way. Why? Because now that I know this... I have to be RESPONSIBLE and choose my words with care and wisdom. That might mean I have to talk less, listen more, and act like a grown up...until I become one...maybe.
Yep, this is what happens after the first "Da-Da" .
And speaking of "Da-Da", I wanted to let you know what happened with the "Word".
Well..... "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us". -John 1:14
Relates well to James 3 - all the more reason to "tame the tongue," the most powerful part of the body!